Cool Words by More or Less Famous People

quotes Imani ♥ ☮ likes

"I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be. I know it's crazy."— J.D. Salinger

Monday, March 18, 2013

Life is Precious: Why it is not a cliche

I just heard something. It doesn't really matter what it is. What matters is the next thing I am about to say. It's said time and time again but obviously, it does not get through some thick skulls: life is so precious. It is the one thing that mostly everyone (unless you're like a solipsist) can agree that everyone is given on Earth. Some people, be it the aggressors or the aggressed (not a word), take it for granted and it's a shame. Even if you do not believe in a higher being, just think of how had to work for billions of years in order for humans to exist. Billions of years. And it is so terrible to think that people abuse their gift or try to take away the life of someone else (or even more terrible, else in the plural form).

 I just...I heard this...fact and it made me really sad. Not even the matter itself and matters likes it, but just the principle of the thing. People are always casting off cliches like 'life is precious' as common sense. But it is quite clear on an everyday basis that there are still some people who fail to actually see the message behind that hackneyed expression. 

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