Now it seems that I am not the only one who reads this blog. Hmm isn't that fun? I know it's the Internet, that people can read whatever they want within means of their Google search. But...wow. Germany? I've never even Been to Germany (admittedly, I've been to Paris, France, but that is another story entirely). This is a big deal. Seriously.
But it's mostly a big deal because I feel like the only reason anyone read my blog in...Germany in the first place is because they were looking up some trig. or physics related thing -asymptotes, tan functions, limits, etc.- and my blog popped up, on, say the twenty fifth page of the results. Maybe. I don't know.
Or perhaps my title sparked interest and the viewers thought they'd be seeing a blog more though provoking than some random, inconsistent rants and Goodreads updates. Whatever the case, there are no deep thoughts on here. At least, not intentionally. I am not striving to open your eyes, here, or anything.
I do want to say why I chose the name of this blog in the first place: it was the summer time. Per usual, I was busting my butt, attempting to graph darn tangent functions (I still can't do that crap). I kept getting stuck on this thing called asymptotes and how they're something that the line -the tangent line- never reaches. Ever. I looked this up. I didn't understand how something could approach a thing and never actually reach it, just reaching forever and ever and...yeah. Eventually, I came up with the term, approaching infinity (I probably got it from Khan Academy or something because God help me, that's one of the only male voices I heard all summer).
It's a beautiful phrase, when you think about it. I mused over it, trying to conjure up the meaning behind it (you know, besides the boring math one). I didn't come up with it immediately. I did, however, change that to my Twitter location (lame, I know) and it's come to mind every time I'm reflecting how cool my bio is (not really).
And now, as I am writing this, I have come up with something.
Each and every one of us. You. Your dog. Your crush. Your ex. Your mother. Your father. Your spouse or partner. Anyone that you know that is still living and breathing, is, by my estimates, are approaching infinity.
Let me explain: We're all dying at this moment. I'm not saying that in the Armageddon way or anything. But each breath we take, each action we accomplish, brings us one second closer to our deaths, whether we want to admit this or not (I admit that the thought scares me, as well). I guess it's okay to be afraid but it's something that happens to everyone, at some point, in some way. I am not trying to scare you, just stating a fact (and hey, if you're some immortal rebel, then you go on with your bad self). Anyway. At some point, we'll die and all that will lie before us is....eternity. There is only forever. If you will....infinity. Regardless of your religious beliefs -atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, agnostic, whatever- in some form this must be true for you, correct? Well, if you believe that you're going to heaven or Paradise or something of that caliber (or that undesirable place down TheRe) than you, in essence, believe in forever, that despite that you'll still maintain a soul in the span of timeeeee after you perish, that there is no way that you can possibly be....aware of yourself in such a long time period. This is hard to explain, and undoubtedly does not make much sense. However, I guess what I am trying to say is that if you live in such a blissful state with no pain, death, hurt, sickness, heartbreak, etc. for such a long time, eventually or maybe even forever initially, you do not realize that you are even still YOU.
And if by some chance that you do not believe in God or heaven or hell at all then this concept should be easy to grasp: when you die, you are infinitely dead but you don't know it. So, in a sense, you are only approaching infinity in terms of your own consciousness, during that final moment of your life.
This approach, this almost-ness applies to life in general. Asymptotes are everything: true knowledge and understanding of the universe (although I think humans are so far on the lower end of such levels. We probably will always be), you, as a person. True happiness. Blah blah hardy har.
It is this, Germans and Chrome users and anyone else who maybe reads this, that makes up my title. I am approaching infinity. And so are you. We all are.
I said I wasn't going to be deep.
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